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Think Before You Sync

22 Nov

Sync ArrowsiCloud. Dropbox. SkyDrive. Google Drive. Amazon Cloud Drive. These are just some of the cloud storage services available to you to sync your invaluable family photos to The Cloud: an automatic storage place that someone else is in charge of backing up and helping secure. Convenient, right? Right. But a weak password or confusion about how syncing works can make it hazardous to your photos’ safety.

When you sync files, rather than just upload a backup of your data, if a person or another syncing device deletes the files you keep in the Cloud, they will be deleted from your computer the next time you sync. And if synced files are your only backup, you are out of luck, my friend. (The Cloud shouldn’t be your only backup, either, because services change all the time. Two different sites I’ve used to upload my photos are no longer available.)

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